Brief History of MiTRa Luxury Apartments Building
Presently, MiTRa Luxury Apartments building is proclaimed a monument of culture. It has been completely redeveloped and adapted into two floors of modern offices and three charming apartments located on the top two floors. It was all achieved through the efforts, financing and futuristic vision of the owners of MiTRa Translations – a language services agency.
It is the story of Yurdan Chakarov, who settled in Shumen somewhere around the beginning of the 20th century, purchasing the land from Ottoman Turks fleeing from Bulgaria. At that time, the area around the Mosque, next to Oborishte Square, was considered the center of Shumen.
A prosperous merchant not only in the Empire, but also in the West, in 1923, he started building dükkânlar (shops) with a house above them, along with storehouses and galleries. The construction was made in two stages and lasted about a decade. Then, the architect of Shumen was Jeroným Bohutínský, who is of Czech origin.
Yurdan Chakarov is a prominent citizen of Shumen and a politician. He was elected a Member of Parliament in the Fifth Bulgarian Grand National Assembly. Meanwhile, his son, Boyan, received higher engineering education in Germany and contributed to the first telegraph station receiving telegrams and the first electric lighting in Shumen.
After September 9, 1944, the building was nationalized and used for various purposes:
Radio club for the Voluntary Defense Assistance Organization
Municipal Property Office
Ceremony Office
Bulgarian Union for Physical Culture and Sport Dept.
Labor Office Department
After 1989, the first two floors of shops and the gallery were restituted, and the other two remained a state property, subsequently property of Shumen Municipality. In the 1990s, partial repairs were made by the owners of the first two floors.
In 2000, Mitra rented the ground floor of the property for a language services office, until they purchased the two floors of the building in 2016, and the rest of the property in 2017. The once-stunning building was then in a wretched state and about to collapse. Thus, in the beginning of 2018, we — the owners of MiTRa — started the long way to design, restoration and reconstruction of the building which is a cultural asset of local significance.
Despite its almost 100-year history, the building now takes on a new look and feel to start a new life!
It is a great pleasure to welcome our guests, who will have the opportunity to view the renovated architecture and enjoy their stay in this small boutique estate.